Jocelyn Benson Claims SAVE Act to Ensure Only U.S. Citizens Vote is “Dangerous”

2026 Gubernatorial candidate has adamantly opposed any effort to vet the state’s bloated voter rolls

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson speaks to reporters after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address on Feb. 26, 2025
Image Credit: The Midwesterner/Esteban Clark-Braendle

Republicans in Congress want to ensure only U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections with legislation Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson describes as “dangerous.”

“We’re on a dangerous path,” Benson said in a Monday statement, complaining that the SAVE Act introduced by House Republicans would “make elections much harder and more expensive to administer.”

“The politicians pushing the SAVE Act are trying to sell it as a reasonable election security bill, but what it actually does is block millions of eligible U.S. citizens from casting their vote in future elections,” Benson claimed, pointing to efforts in Arizona and Kansas to require proof of citizenship that have been derailed by activists in court.

Read the Full Article at The Midwesterner

9 thoughts on “Jocelyn Benson Claims SAVE Act to Ensure Only U.S. Citizens Vote is “Dangerous””

  1. Jocelyn Benson’s idiotic comment is only dangerous to election fraud. Her incompetence is obvious if her office cannot ensure that legitimate Michigan residents/US citizens only vote. She can’t identify a single qualified voter denied voting privileges in Michigan based on a simple citizenship qualification. Outrageous.

  2. How many citizens can prove their citizenship? The average person doesn’t carry their Birth Certificate or Passport. Social Security cards have been issued to non-citizens.
    I understand the POV. What government agency can verify, by name and DOB, one’s citizenship?
    The only acceptable evidence includes one of the following:
    Copy of U.S. passport (current or expired)
    Copy of U.S. civil issued birth certificate.
    Copy of alien registration card.
    Copy of naturalization/citizenship certificate.
    We each need to get one!

    1. Doyle Williams

      Many states already require birth certificates for a driver’s license, so I have proof of citizenship every time I produce my license! Problem solved.

  3. The only thing ‘dangerous’ about citizen only voting is how it will keep democrats from being elected.

  4. james m vahey

    I wish that stupid, arrogant and unhinged bitch all the luck in the world with her therapist. The only dangerous thing is her absurd comment. She never heard of Laken Riley apparently.

  5. John M Stettner

    Typical Liberal lie. It is really sad that Liberals are incapable of intelligent discussion or at least intelligent lying. Every other country on the planet that allows voting bars non-citizens from voting. Some 141 countries allow non-resident citizens to vote, but in every case those are citizens who do not live within that country. The Democrats have always muddied the electoral waters as a means to engage in election fraud.

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