Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declared that the Democrats’ strongest “barrier” against Trump’s plans in 2025, revealing his plans to disrupt his MAGA agenda.
November, Democrats tried to stack the courts with Marxist judges before Congress begins on January 3, 2025.
Following Trump’s 2024 election landslide win, Republicans will control all three branches of government
Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives while taking control of the Senate.
The US Supreme Court currently has 6 Conservative justices, and 3 three liberal justices.
However, Schumer has rammed through a record number of judges on his way out the door.
“The Democrats are trying to stack the Courts with Radical Left Judges on their way out the door,” Trump said.
“Republican Senators need to Show Up and Hold the Line — No more Judges confirmed before Inauguration Day!”
Last Friday, Schumer oversaw the confirmation of his 235th judge, breaking Republican leader Mitch McConnell’s record during the first Trump administration.
Politico reported:
In less than a month, elected Democrats will find themselves with a lot less power in Washington, with a GOP-controlled House, Senate and White House resulting in a landscape in which their ability to tussle with President-elect DONALD TRUMP will be largely rhetorical.
But if Dem leaders have learned one thing from Republicans over the years, it’s that sometimes, the judiciary can be the best bulwark against the opposing party getting what it wants
“I don’t know exactly what [Trump will] do. But I can tell you this: The judiciary will be one of our strongest — if not our strongest — barrier against what he does,” Senate Majority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER told Playbook in an exclusive interview this week.
Schumer launched a plan to use the party’s Senate majority to prioritize passing legislation and pushing through as many judicial nominations as possible.
The result?
“When we started out, we knew it would be a very difficult job to do more than Trump had done,” said Schumer.
“But we did: We got 235 — more than a quarter of the federal judiciary was appointed by our Senate and by the president.”
Read More at the Daily Fetched
Appointing all of these liberal activist judges just means that they will be overturned in the appeals process since they rule on ideology and not the law. Unfortunately, this costs the tax-payers more money.
Chuck Schumer is a partisan warrior, not somebody who understands what is good for the country or for New Yorkers.
Judges from his party haver turned New York City into an unsafe city, where there is no respect for law and order, cleanliness, safety or respect itself.
It is fair to say the Democratic Party has ruined New York City since the halcyon days under Republicans Giuliani and Bloomberg (Bloomberg needed to run as a Republican, as the purely destructive Democratic machine in NYC wouldn’t support him).
I once knew someone who worked for Chuck Schumer for a long time and told me that Schumer cares only for himself, not for anybody else.
Schumer is a thug who is used to the democratic way of thuggery, theft and deception.
He will soon find that he is no longer in charge. He and the other democrats had there way with the Obama/Biden presidency.
However I believe the incoming President, House of Representatives, and Senate will fend off any misguided advances by the democrats and send them packing. Many democrats have realized the loss and are either leaving or defecting to the republican party where the getting is good.
The democrats have been uncovered, the people except for a few fools, have realized they have been taken and abused once to often.
I think they have already filled the courts with corrupt judges. Adding more can help create even more of the nonsense lawfare cases against their opposition.
Any judge in this land that does not follow the constitution as written should be held before a congressional hearing for their biases.
I see we have some real scholars opining
And you’re not one of them
I would like to know how many things were supposedly signed by bidiot but he was at the beach and had no clue someone was signing his name to things he had no knowledge of and could possibly proven illegal. I don’t think his mental status gives him the capacity to know about and make reasonable assumptions on half this crap done in his name.
I think Trump should ignore all those appointed judges because Biden ignored the Supreme Court judgment against him on student loans.
Schumer must dial it down and start working with the newly elected President instead of disrupting the United Sates any further..Democrat’s have taken America to a new and overwhelming experience which never should have happened..Opening the Border to Millions of people that Ignored our immigration Law’s with the help of the present Administration under Biden,who should be charged and arrested for Treason and they should all lose pay their benefits they accumulated in Congress., Had they put a stop to the Open Borders after it was Opened the United States would not have to deal with Deportations,among other things..
It is up to every City and State Law Enforcement, to work together to ENFORCE our Law’s that the Biden Administration created..
I agree.