A California Democrat has introduced a law that would criminalize self-defense during a home invasion by armed criminals. California has more than enough antigun laws that make it almost impossible for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves while doing nothing to stop criminals who do not respect a piece of paper.
California Assemblyman Rich Chavez Zbur introduced Assembly Bill 1333 to limit a homeowner’s ability to use force during a home invasion, putting them at a disadvantage in the hands of criminals.
“This bill would eliminate certain circumstances under which homicide is justifiable, including, among others, in defense of a habitation or property. The bill would additionally clarify circumstances in which homicide is not justifiable, including, among others, when a person uses more force than necessary to defend against a danger,” reads the bill.
Zbur claims that the bill does not limit homeowners’ ability to defend themselves but aims to prevent “wannabe vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse from provoking violence and claiming self-defense” – and he’s lying.
In 2021, Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges on self-defense grounds after he shot and killed two Black Lives Matter rioters and injured another. The criminals had attacked Rittenhouse while he was fleeing and tried to take his firearm and use it on him. Back then, former President Joe Biden featured the Kenosha teen in a video calling him a “white supremacist” while other Democrats refused to accept the verdict. Rittenhouse has promised to travel to California to testify against the bill.
Meanwhile, Zbur implies that homeowners must comply when being robbed at their homes, essentially banning self-defense. He also suggests that criminals bear no responsibility for creating a dangerous situation for themselves and others when they invade someone’s home. Subsequently, the bill was poorly received by Republicans and other commonsense Californians.
“Have you read your own bill? It limits victims’ right to defend themselves. That’s all it does,” tweeted civil rights attorney Laura Powell.
“Public safety is bad enough as it is. We need 2-3x more police and 4-5x more prison beds. The LEAST you can do is to leave us alone and allow us to defend ourselves and those around us,” posted Biotech researcher Houman David Hemmati, adding that the bill should be scrapped entirely.
GOP Assemblyman David Tangipa also questioned the bill for suggesting that homeowners must use the right amount of force to confront home invaders. Criminals do not forewarn homeowners about their plans to invade or the type of weapons they would bring so that homeowners can select the right response.
“How do you know if a robber or burglar is intending to kill?” Republican Assemblyman David Tangipa asked on Ray Appleton’s show.
While the bill has undergone some amendments, it still obligates the homeowners to exhaust “every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force likely to cause death or great bodily injury.”
Evidently, AB 1333 bans self-defense for fear of causing serious bodily harm to the criminal and risking serious prison time, or losing thousands of dollars defending oneself in court without the possibility of recuperating those costs after exoneration.
I know whose house I would be breaking into tonight if I had the misfortune of being a resident of California
The “democrat” response to danger is always “When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!”
Next they will be recommending that only their mob should be allowed to bear arms