Controversial LGBTQ Books “Secretly” Removed From Maryland School District’s Approved List

In 2022, parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, protested the addition of at least 20 LGBTQ books in their children’s classrooms. 

While they never demanded the removal of the controversial books, they requested a chance to excuse their children from lessons featuring mature topics involving gender and identity, which are beyond the scope of the approved sex education provided by the school.

However, Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) said LGBTQ-themed instruction materials help create a safe and inclusive environment.

“MCPS expects all classrooms to be inclusive and safe spaces for students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or have family members in the LGBTQ+ community,” the school district told parents. “A broad representation of personal characteristics within curricular or instructional materials promotes this desired outcome.”

Nonetheless, parents believe it is their duty to introduce their children to some of the sensitive gender and identity topics in line with their religious beliefs, values, and traditions. Both Muslim and Christian families opposed the introduction of LGBTQ themes in 8-K schools.

Some of the LBGTQ themes covered include pride parades, gender transition, and choice of pronouns, with some claiming that doctors guess the gender of newborn babies. Interestingly, the books were part of the school’s English Language Arts curriculum. 

One of the controversial books “Pride Puppy! was used from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. It featured a vibrant society that celebrates Pride parades. 

The second controversial book “My Rainbow” by DeShanna Neal was used from kindergarten to the third grade. It featured a mother who made a perfect rainbow wig for her Black autistic transgender daughter. 

Subsequently, Montgomery County Public Schools denied parents’ request to opt out, claiming that removing some children from those classes would make them ineffective. Thus, it would undermine the district’s effort to create more representative classrooms, which is critical for children in a diverse society.

Some parents sued the state’s largest school district, accusing it of violating their First Amendment rights and religious freedom. However, the school district has fiercely defended the books during the two-year-long court battle.

Surprisingly, the Washington Post reported that “My Rainbow” and “Pride Puppy!were “secretly” removed from the school board’s approved reading list. 

Without divulging additional details, MCPS spokeswoman Liliana López told the publication that the district removed the controversial LGBTQ books after reevaluating their use “on their own accord, not due to a request from a parent.”

However, at least six dozen LGBTQ-themed books such as “Love, Violet” featuring a young girl with a female love interest, still remain on the school board’s approved list. 

Others include “Are you LGBTQ?,”  “ABC’s of LGBT+,” “Child’s Introduction to Pride,” “Free to be me: an LGBTQ+ journal of love, pride & finding your inner rainbow,” and “LGBTQ: The Survival Guide for Lesiban [sic] Gay Bisexual Transgender and Questioning Teens.” 

Some of the remaining books are the subject of the ongoing lawsuit, suggesting that the battle is far from over. 

The removal the controversial books hardly solves the problem of age-inappropriate LGBTQ content in public schools. Nevertheless, it validates the parents’ concerns that some of the approved books are not appropriate for the instruction of children in Kindergarten through 8th grade.

4 thoughts on “Controversial LGBTQ Books “Secretly” Removed From Maryland School District’s Approved List”

  1. The scumbags are heading for their hidey holes, hoping to escape the wrath to come. You see the media starting to do the same thing…”oh no, we were fair the whole time…not at all biased…didn’t ever spread propaganda for the regime…we asked the tough questions of EVERYONE”.

  2. They say it creates safe & inclusive environments to have this material around kids.
    I know it creates the kids they want to be safe and included by selling the idea of transgenderism and lbtq that barely existed among kids before Obama and Biden decided it was a good way to create future democrat voters.
    If the Left can scheme up an idea, no matter how much harm it causes society, they will implement it!

  3. Does this mean that Playboy and Hustler will not be aivable to check out by kids at that library???

  4. The mother loses points for saying “I have no problem with gay marriage”. You should have a problem with it as it perverts God’s intended Order fo Mankind as Jesus Christ CLEARLY put forth in Matthew 19:4-6. Saying we have no problem means playing on their field, you have a right to agree or disagree with ANYTHING in your society especially if they’re teaching it to your children.

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