Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared in Germany at the World Forum this week, calling for “wrong think” to controlled in order to stop “autocrats” from taking over society. While I don’t have to point out the irony of Clinton’s remarks, it would be prudent to reverse her statements to get a more truthful version of what she really means.
“We now have a government in the United States that has thrown in its lot with the autocrats, which has made a choice to support those who wage war, not peace, who have given enormous power to the men who control the information flow in our world, who have all pledged allegiance to the continuation of algorithms that not only addict us but poison us with hatred and fear,” Clinton said.
“Information determines how we think, and how we think determines what we say, and what we say determines what we do,” said Clinton.
Clinton’s follow-up remarks could have been taken straight from Orwell’s 1984, and perhaps that is even an understatement.
“Where there are no facts that are agreed upon, that happen right before your eyes, and you have leaders telling you to ignore it, that Putin did not invade Ukraine, that Ukraine somehow brought it upon itself, where there are no facts, there cannot be truth, and where there is no truth, there cannot be trust, and where there is no trust, there cannot be democracy and peace.”
If you can bear watching, here are the full six minutes of Hillary’s ramblings:
This isn’t the first time Clinton has called for heavy measure against those refusing to align with the establishment’s official narrative. In September last year, Clinton said, “The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” adding, “He is a danger to our country and world.”
“There were Russians engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also thing there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda and whether they should be civilly or criminally charged would be something that would be a better deterrent,” Hillary said.
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The deplorable skank is still refusing to accept the fact that she is washed up. Through. Finished. The top prize in American politics eluded her in 2008 and 2016. Yeah, she won the popular vote in 2016 thanks mainly to winning California where election related shenanigans occur frequently, but she ultimately lost the election because she was a bad campaigner who, like Thomas E. Dewey back in 1948 considered the election a mere formality. She lacked her old man’s charisma on the campaign trail, and nobody really cares what she has to say.
What a waste of oxygen. I used to think Hilary was just wrong and annoying, now it’s clear that she is an evil piece of Schiff. The woman, if that’s what she really is, thinks only of herself and her lust for wealth, power and chardonnay.
The fact she’s saying this BS in Europe speaks volumes about where they are at vs USA.
Yup in Germany you can be fined/arrested for saying/posting the wrong thought.
That woman is like herpes, she never goes away.
The one thing that Globalist Lib Antisemocrats do with unrivalled facility (well, aside for lying, cheating and stealing) is “projection”. Turn that speech around and place it where it really belongs – squarely on them – and it actually makes perfect sense. If you want to know exactly what those scumbuckets are actually guilty of, just listen to what they accuse others of…
The one thing that Globalist Lib Antisemocrats do with unrivalled facility (well, said for lying, cheating and stealing) is “projection”. Turn that speech around and place it where it really belongs – squarely on them – and it actually makes perfect sense. If you want to know exactly what those scumbuckets are actually guilty of, just listen to what they accuse others of…
So when is she going to jail for all the misinformation she continually spreads?
When will she die from alcohol related disease?
If only you won the election you could have been the tyrant you always wanted to be.
But, alas. It was not meant to be. Now you have to spend the rest of your days wallowing in bitterness and the unmovable knowledge that the deplorables took from you what you spent your entire life trying to obtain.
Let it buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn.
She does know that 1984 was not an instruction manual, right?
Can’t get over the fact – fact – that she lost in 2016, and due largely to her political stupidity, but also to her extreme unlikeability. So hearing her call for silencing opponents, in the name of preserving democracy and peace no less, and to get onboard with the Russian hoax, is a joy. Let her keep braying.
Don’t forget, she also lost in 2008. All those women’s votes, all those black votes, all those gay votes, all those pony- tailed white men’s votes, all those aborted votes.
When you say nobody likes her, that means absolutely N O B O D Y. Can you imagine?
We should censor her face
Hillary would be quite the tyrant. We dodged a very big bullet not having her as President. Hillary would have everyone goose stepping to her marching orders. Scarry to think how close we came to disaster. Frankly I wish Hillary would retire to her mansion in NY and lay on her mattress stuffed full of stolen money and shut her pie hole.