Michigan House Democrats Push Measure to Add State to National Popular Vote Compact

The Michigan House of Representatives introduced a measure this week that would bind the state’s presidential vote to the national popular vote. House Bill 4156 and House Bill 4440, sponsored by state Rep. Carrie A. Rheingans, D-Ann Arbor, would add Michigan to the National Popular Vote Compact.

Under House Bill 4156, Michigan would join the “Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote.” The measure, also known as the National Popular Vote Compact, would tie the state’s 15 electoral votes to the national popular vote winner rather than its popular vote winner.

“If states with a total of 270 electoral votes agree to this compact, it would change how we elect the president,” Michigan State Senator Jim Runestad said on X. “Currently states like Michigan allocate our individual electors based on Michigan’s vote in the electoral college,” he added. “Under this plan, we get rid [of] the constitutionally designed Electoral College and Michigan then allocates its electors based on the national popular vote winner,” Runestad said. “This means the presidential slate with the most votes nationwide wins, regardless of individual state outcomes.”

Read the Full Story at The Midwesterner

4 thoughts on “Michigan House Democrats Push Measure to Add State to National Popular Vote Compact”

  1. It’s unconstitutional, and will be struck down if attempted to be enacted. It serves more as a testament to stupidity/evil of democrats than any thing else. The compact clause of the constitution shows this to be a very problematic area.

  2. This is outrageous. The Electoral College exists to prevent massive population centers, like the megalopolises of New York, Los Angeles, Detroit and so on from voiding the will of large numbers of people in “fly over country.” These shennanigans by Democrats take advantage of the ignorance in the electorate that they engineered by removing Civics from school curriculums and deconstructing how American History is taught. In typical Liberal fashion, when they can not win, they change the rules. The United States is not a Democracy and never has been and was never intended to be one. The law of the country is codified in The Constitution, which sets the deciding factor of Presidential elections in the hands of the Electoral College.

  3. hmmmm does that mean that California and New York and Massachusetts are all casting their electoral votes for Trump? Awesome!

    1. No, that is not what this means. It means that, should resolutions like this pass, this will be our last free and fair election and the Democrat party will win every following election because they stuff ballot boxes, allow the dead and non-citizens to vote, and they vote early and often. This is a death knell to America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and an end to Freedom in this country.

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