NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Confronted with Actual Crime Statistics Contradicting Her “Subways are Safer” Narrative

Governor of New York Kathy Hochul embarrassed herself after a reporter confronted her with actual statistics contradicting her claim that the state’s “subways are safer.”

Gov. Hochul attempted to distract the reporter, only to realize that the journalist had done his homework and analyzed New York’s subway crime statistics.

“But if you look back to pre-pandemic, now I know you like to say that, that overall crime is down 12% since the pandemic, but murders are up 200%, felony assault is up 55%, and burglary is up 140%,” he said. “So are you saying that this is progress?”

“Are you talking about state-wide, city, or subway?” a stunned Gov. Hochul asked.

“Oh, Crime in the transit system, I’m sorry, crime in the subway system,” he responded.

“You want to answer that?” she asked one of her officials.

However, the stunned Hochul could not dispute the figures, likely because her statistics are specifically tailored or cherry-picked to create the perception of safety.

Unsurprisingly, Gov. Hochul has a history of downplaying and cherry-picking crime statistics to gain a favorable political standing. In 2023, she issued a deceptive statement about the supposed reduction of crimes across the New York state.

“Shootings down 26% to date,” she said.

“Lowest number of shooting incidents with injury since 2006.”

 “Gun Violence in New York State is at its lowest point since 2006,” she gloated.

“Here is the data, despite what you’re hearing from the fear-mongers out there today,” Hochul claimed. “Murder and gun crime rates are down lower than they’ve been in 60 years.”

However, the NY Post fact-checked her and discovered that the statistics were from just “28 of the more than 500 police departments,” covering just “4.3 million, or 22%, of the state’s 20 million people.” 

Additionally, 78% of the statistics originated from counties with Republican district attorneys, who are usually stricter on crime, thus making their districts safer. 

Similarly, the statistics overlooked were from counties with Democratic district attorneys who are soft on crime. She also conveniently ignored all counties in New York City, which has more crimes than other areas. 

In addition, six of seven police departments singled out also worked with Republican district attorneys.

However, she cleverly sneaked a disclaimer that “current data are preliminary and are subject to change,” suggesting she was aware about the incompleteness of the data.

The fact-checker also quoted FBI statistics showing that felon crimes increased by 33% in New York City and 15.8% statewide in 2023 compared to 2019 figures. Violent crime involving firearms also increased by 17.6%, while aggravated assault by firearm increased by 40.7% between 2019 and 2023 despite gun control.

“It was obvious that the governor hastily issued this misleadingly worded press release to assist Democratic candidates, who are being hammered on crime and quality-of-life issues, in their races against Republicans for seats in Congress,” the NY Post reported.

In 2023, Hochul also celebrated a 2.6% reduction in subway crimes compared to 2022, although felony assaults increased by 2.5%.

Similarly, appearing on Fox 5’s Good Day New York, Hochul refused to discuss the statistics and opted to address the “feelings and emotions and the psychology.”

In March 2024, she also told the Morning Joe host that subway crime statistics were “not statistically significant, but psychologically significant.” 

In 2022, appearing on MSNBC, the 11th Hour’s host Stephanie Ruhle confronted her saying, “We Don’t Feel Safe” despite her claims of spending more on public safety.

3 thoughts on “NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Confronted with Actual Crime Statistics Contradicting Her “Subways are Safer” Narrative”

  1. New Yorkers continue to vote for demoncrats. I have no sympathy for them. They get mad and vote out the current demoncrat and then vote in another thinking things are going to change. Einstein’s definition of insanity in real life.

  2. Typical, Biden is working 24 hours per day, we can’t keep up with his stamina. Hochul is no different, a lying democrat!

    You actually can’t feel that bullet in your leg, that is a mental aberration only. The guy that shot you didn’t mean to, he only wanted to rob you.

    Hochul needs to go! Or better yet require her to ride the public transportation every day, 8 hours per day, with no protection.

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