Scott Jennings flipped the script on CNN’s leftist panelists’ calls for accountability after the Signal chat leak incident. Numerous Democrats and media pundits have called for the resignation or firing of Trump officials after NSA Director Michael Waltz added the leftwing the Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg to a chat discussing Yemeni air strikes targeting the Houthi rebels.
CNN’s commentator and former Biden administration official Neera Tanden believed she made a strong case for “accountability” – only to learn that she should be among the last people to point fingers.
“We believe in accountability,” Tanden said.
“I think Republicans aren’t interested in any lectures on accountability in the military after the Biden administration,” Jennings responded. “I mean, the bar for getting rid of a secretary of defense is apparently pretty high. You can get 13 people k*lled and go AWOL and not tell the commander in chief, and that’s not a fireable offense.”
Jennings highlighted other incidents for which the Biden administration refused to take responsibility, including letting in 10 million illegal immigrants, many of whom are responsible for various crimes, including rape and murder.
“He gives lectures about accountability and national security after letting 10 million people into the country who raped and murdered and committed violent acts and no remorse or accountability. No more lectures. No more lectures about natural security,” he added.
He also mentioned the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that killed 13 U.S. service members, followed by a catastrophic drone strike that killed seven children, yet no Biden administration official was held accountable. Tandem, who only recently got a voice to call for accountability after the Signal incident, was eerily quiet when all these incidents occurred.
The leftist panel also criticized Trump for allegedly saying that he was not aware of the Signal chat leak. However, Jennings could not tolerate the hypocrisy of the people who helped cover Biden’s deteriorating cognitive and physical abilities.
“What’s worse, a president not having all the information he needs to make a legitimate comment so he holds back in the moment before being ready to make a comment or, I don’t know, willfully lying to the American people about the condition of the President of the United States, which went on for four years in this country by you and your colleagues,” Jennings hit back.
Tandem could not articulately defend against Jennings’ onslaught and resorted to outright denial. Interestingly, CNN’s Jake Tapper recently released a book detailing Biden’s mental and physical deterioration, which the left vehemently denied at the time and still refuses to admit.
Tapper is seemingly trying to downplay his role in the cover-up, yet even he claimed that someone without a medical license should not be diagnosing politicians. While Tapper struggled to redeem himself (a little too late), Tandem was doubling down by outrightly denying.
“That is totally wrong. That is totally wrong. That is totally wrong,” she reiterated.
Other leftist panelists like Wood tried to downplay the cover-up by claiming that “even if all that happened in the past, we’re in the present now.”
“You can’t keep using that Biden did it, Biden did it, Biden did it…You can’t keep riding that,” Wood said.
Nonetheless, Jennings insisted that he had every right to bring up the past because former president Biden blamed Trump for four years while Obama blamed George W. Bush for eight. Jennings also forgot to mention that the damage that the Biden administration caused by allowing 10 million unvetted foreign invaders into the country will take decades to undo. Similarly, parents who lost their children due to crimes committed by those illegal immigrants will never have them back.
“You’re **** dam right we will ride it,” Jennings said.
Funny how for the 4 years of the Bribem term it was all Trump’s fault but, now we’re not supposed to bring up the past. Demoncrats make me sick.
Is that Neera Tanden?
Jennings pulled his punches severely — there’s strong evidence that Neera Tanden herself auto-penned pardons on December 30, 2022, while Bribehim was on a golf-trip in the Virgin Islands.