Shocking: The Biden Admin Overestimated Employment Statistics AGAIN, So Close to the Election, by up to 3 Million Jobs

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has found that the Biden administration inflated employment statistics across 25 states in the second quarter of 2024. The second quarter of 2024 figures are the Fed’s most updated statistics.

The Biden administration reported a 1.8% national increase in employment, while the national survey showed a 1.1% increase, both of which the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia believes are wrong.

The Reserve Bank believes that the figures were off by 1.2 to 1.9 percentage points, overestimating the number of jobs by over 3 million across all 50 states.

In Contrast, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s data for the second quarter of 2023 differed from the national statistics by just 0.1%, demonstrating the Philly Feds’ high accuracy in estimating employment statistics. 

Additionally, employment statistics did not significantly deviate in all quarters of 2023 and 2024. The only other time the Biden administration’s employment statistics deviated so significantly was during the midterm elections in 2022.

It remains unproven the motives behind why the Biden administration’s employment statistics were so wrong so leading up to the election – but it’s probably for the reason you’re thinking.

Biden’s employment statistics aside, many Americans did not feel the positive impacts of the alleged Biden administration’s economic success. ZipRecruiter reported that jobseekers were more skeptical of finding work during the second quarter of 2024 than at any other time in two years. 

Similarly, a New York Fed survey found that 4.4% of employees expected to lose their jobs in July 2024, up from 3.9% in 2023. 

Subsequently, 52 percent of the voters said the economy was “extremely important,” while 38 percent said it was “very important.” The economy was especially important for voters who preferred Trump, suggesting they disapproved of the Biden administration’s handling of the economy.

Nonetheless, overestimated employment figures are later revised downwards to reflect the actual situation on the ground. However, during an election year, voters may have already chosen candidates based on incorrect information.

Additionally, the Biden administration has overstated job stats in the past. Between March 2023 and March 2024, the administration overstated the number of jobs created by 818,000.

That correction reduced the 12-month job creation from 2.9 to 2.1 million and the monthly average from 242,000 to 174,000.

Trump termed the revision the Biden administration’s attempts to manipulate job statistics, adding that the statistics were worse than that. 

“MASSIVE SCANDAL! The Harris-Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating Job Statistics to hide the true extent of the Economic Ruin they have inflicted upon America,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Trump’s claims were hardly outrageous considering that the economy had 1 million fewer jobs available compared to the previous two years.

Unsurprisingly, Trump was fact-checked for alleging the manipulation of employment statistics. Even ZipRecruiter’s chief economist Julia Pollak defended the Biden administration’s Bureau of Labor Statistics for its “professionalism.”

“Is the Bureau of Labor Statistics a massive pro-Biden Admin shill? And are today’s revisions to labor statistics evidence of huge conspiracy to inflate the economic data? The answer is a declarative NO,” she posted on X.

However, the Biden administration’s job statistics errors are seemingly too many, almost always on the upper side, and too well-timed to be coincidental.  

7 thoughts on “Shocking: The Biden Admin Overestimated Employment Statistics AGAIN, So Close to the Election, by up to 3 Million Jobs”

  1. I’m sure all 25 states that had the fake job growth included all the Kamal-must-wins and the swing states. They probably didnt bother giving CA or WV any of those shiny new jobs.

  2. That’s not an overestimation…that’s straight out lying. Which is par for the course with Biden and his goon administration.

  3. This doesn’t shock me at all. This is the same thing Obama did and since he has been running things for the past 4 years, it was expected.

  4. Can we still really call it the “Biden Administration”? Word is he checked out about Jan 21, 2021 and left the keys with the janitor.

    1. I’m with you. I think there has been a shadow cabal of bureaucrats that previously worked for Obama who have used Biden as a figurehead while pushing radical policies and attacking conservatives and their organizations. Biden even admitted early on in his presidency that “they told him he can’t take any questions.” He’d say he would be in trouble if he did this or that at press conferences. I’m thinking, you’re the President of the United States and you answer to your staff?

      1. Charles T Sblibb

        You’re right about the questions; that he was told not to answer any. Ironically, he wasn’t supposed to reveal that he was being directed not to do anything unscripted. It was probably the most (accidentally) honest thing he said in four years.

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