Jackson Reffitt, the teen who reported his father to authorities and wiretapped his conversations, resulting in the most punitive January 6 convictions, says he feels unsafe after Trump’s J6 pardons.
During sentencing, Jackson testified and accused his father Guy Reffitt of making threats and requested a maximum sentence. He also accused the January 6 defendant of slowly losing himself over the years and falling “into a horrible community to find a place in this life.”
However, his sister Peyton testified that her father was not a threat to the family and disputed the alleged mental illness.
Guy was accused of being a member of The Three Percenters and “lighting the match” that triggered the protests. Although he did not enter the Capitol, Democratic prosecutors accused him of turning the crowd “into an unstoppable force” and sought a 15-year sentence.
The J6 defendant was eventually found guilty of two counts of civil disorder and a single count of obstructing official proceedings. He was sentenced to 87 months in prison, a $2,000 fine, and 3 years of supervised release.
His son, who ratted him out, recently told CNN that he was flabbergasted after the latest development.
“I’m honestly flabbergasted that we’ve gotten to this point,” Jackson told CNN.
He also claimed that his father’s release made him feel concerned for his safety and forced him to take additional precautions, including owning a firearm.
“I’m terrified. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have taken as many precautions I could,” he continued.
“I’ve picked up a gun, I’ve moved, and I’ve gotten myself away from what I thought would be a dangerous situation and staying [away from] where I thought my dad could find me or other people, people that are going to feel so validated by these actions, by this pardon.”
He also threw the whole family under the bus by accusing them of being involved in militia activity. He accused his father of calling him a traitor and saying that “traitors get shot.”
“My dad is still involved with these militias. He still talks with a martyr status. He has no change. He’s more galvanized than ever,” Jackson added. “My mom too. My sisters are waiting outside the jail cell right now.
“I know who they are and I love them, but I can’t feel safe.”
He accused his mother of exploiting his name to address crowds of supporters, adding that the audience lights up every time he is mentioned.
Ironically, he bought a firearm that his Democratic friends wish to ban, especially for young people like him, leaving them exposed to criminals with guns who do not follow gun control laws.
However, he showed some remorse for what he did by saying he regretted turning over his dad to authorities.
“I made a very, very disgusting decision to inform authorities about what he was doing, and I still feel horrible about it every day.”
Nonetheless, he shifted the blame squarely on his father, saying his actions tore apart their family.
“My father’s actions coming from the Trump presidency and what he thought he was doing was right just destroyed it [my family].”
Seemingly, he is still benefiting from the incident and has received nearly $200,000 in donations for his college fund. People were still donating even after Trump pardoned January 6 hostages like his father. It is unlikely that his donors disapprove of his actions but see him as a hero.

What is that thing? Man? Boy? Woman? Girl? Mutant? Freak?
What are its pronouns?
The level of projection, paranoia and cognitive dissonance Mr./Ms. Jackson displays suggests he/she/it might be safer institutionalized.
The nazi party did as well
Snitches get stitches.
“Son”??? That might qualify as mis-gendering.
[He] should disguise [him]self with some transition surgeries.
He accused his mother of exploiting his name to address crowds of supporters, adding that the audience lights up every time he is mentioned. And yet he uses his fathers name to cash in on what he did. That sums it up right there
Get out of your parents basement snowflake, get a job and a life!
Hell of a thing to ruin your life when there is so much of it in front of you. That being said, this kid is a product of his upbringing. The parents failed somewhere along the line. Either in allowing him to keep bad company or not giving him a solid foundation. Somewhere they failed.
Didn’t the Communists encourage children to turn in their parents? Both in China and Russia, from what I remember.
No! I disagree. Sometimes they turn out bad, regardless of how you raise them up. His other siblings were just fine. He exploited an opportunity, thinking he would be in control and never have to work too hard and use up everything his father had accomplished before him. Time for the son to get out of his fathers house and see how tough that world really is out there amongst the wolves.
rat bastad
If I was the unfortunate sperm donor of this pos I would STAY AWAY at all costs!!!! The little pile of schiff will now be looking to shoot him and claim self-defense to garner more support, relevance and money from the evil ones. He will simply scream I DIDN’T FEEL SAFE AND HE THREATENED ME.
THe little queen has already laid the groundwork for this murder.
I can’t imagine the hate needed to rat on, and bear false witness to, your own father, ultimately ruining the lives and livelihood of the family. Pure garbage. And he looks like such a winner too (LOL!). Hope the family can get some kind of justice.
So, the son buy’s a gun because he doesn’t feel safe, He looks like a chip off the old block. His father taught him will.
What a perfect example of the results of government schools…
There are red flags all over this. The threat is most likely this young man threatening his own family and owning the means to carry out that threat. There are clear signs of mental illness.
One might say that the arrogant leftist punk will ultimately rue the day for crapping on his Dad and the rest of his family.
The little feminized rat was flabbergasted? What does he call what he did to his father out of pure vengeance?
That’s a bridge you never burn. Just ask Fredo. You never go against the family.
The miserable little piece of scat SHOULD feel horrible. I could put my thoughts into words, but they wouldn’t even be fit for impolite company.
He was born a shitstain, he’ll die a shitstain.
Correction: He was born a shitstain, she’ll die a shitstain.
I can’t understand how anyone wouldn’t love this little commie, Stasi PoS. This punk has Daddy issues a mile wide. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they started at Christmas when the little weasel didn’t get an X-box or something else he really, really wanted.
Note the pink hat and mask. No doubt he sees a traditional American middle class life as a threat to his awesomeness. While his family probably views him as a waste of sp*rm.
I think this young man needs a “tough Love” approach. I feel he is rebellious and has gone to the woke style of life. The Bible says that when we align ourselves with bad company we become corrupt as well. I am sure the dad has spent time in jail to asses his beliefs and has taken a feel for what is right. I would think the son needs to be separated from his family and grow towards maturity. I am hoping the dad is a Christian and will pray for his son, and for the moment let his son go like the Prodigal son who wanted his inheritance, but went into a far county and spent it all foolishly, but when he woke he went back this dad and asked to be included in the family again.
The punk deserves a swift kick in the butt.
Traitors DO get shot
What a horrible kid. I would disown him forever. He would out of my life and out of my will. Go live with ur leftist friends. Never try to come back! What a POS!
The first thing I would do when I got home is throw the Punk kid out on the street if he’s of age.
Agreed. Kick his ass out the door.