Trump to End Birthright Citizenship on Day One

Trump has promised to end birthright citizenship on day one, the incoming president said during his latest appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press

Spelled in the 14th Amendment, the provision grants citizenship to children born in the U.S. regardless of their parents’ immigration status. However, the amendment was added in 1868 after the Civil War to allow children of slaves to become U.S. citizens – not the children of illegal aliens.  

It also explicitly targets individuals “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States and exempts diplomats’ children, so there are already exceptions.

However, its current interpretation now fuels “birth tourism,” where expecting parents, especially from China, travel to the United States to deliver so their children can automatically become U.S. citizens. 

Other illegal immigrants already in the country also benefit from the 14th Amendment by sanitizing their children’s immigration status. Additionally, removing the alien parents from the country is impossible without separating them from their American children. 

However, the incoming president intends to remove the “ridiculous” birthright citizenship by initiating a constitutional amendment if he cannot achieve the same through executive action. “We’ll maybe have to go back to the people,” Trump said when asked if he intends to use executive action. “But we have to end it.”

According to Trump, only the United States has unrestricted birthright citizenship. While slightly inaccurate, only 33 out of 193 countries worldwide have unrestricted birthright citizenship, like the United States. 

Similarly, only the United States and Canada have unrestricted birthright citizenship in the developed world. 

Another 32 countries, mostly developing nations, have conditional birthright citizenship, requiring at least one of the parents to be a citizen or legal resident. Similarly, the child can acquire citizenship if orphaned or through other constitutional means.

“We’re the only country that has it, you know,” Trump said.

Nonetheless, President Trump wants to work with Democrats to spare “DREAMers,”  children who entered the United States illegally and spent their entire lives in the country, from deportations. “I will work with the Democrats on a plan,” Trump said. “We’re going to have to do something with them.”

Trump Will Deport Illegal Immigrants Humanely Without Breaking Up Families

Proponents of unchecked immigration say the separation of families is inhumane and poses a legal challenge to Trump’s deportation plan. However, Trump and his border czar, Tom Homan, have proposed relatively obvious measures to ensure that families are not separated during deportation.

“I don’t want to be breaking up families,” Trump said. “So the only way you don’t break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back.”

When appearing on 60 Minutes Australia, Homan was asked, “Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families?”

“Of course there is. Families can be deported together,” Trump’s border czar told Cecilia Vega. 

Additionally, Trump wants families to choose whether to stay or leave together to ensure that the whole process will be humane. The family can let the illegal immigrant leave, or they can return together to their countries of origin.

“If they come here illegally but their family is here legally, then the family has a choice. The person that came in illegally can go out, or they can all go out together,” Trump said.

4 thoughts on “Trump to End Birthright Citizenship on Day One”

  1. Misinformation!!!
    They naturally leave off an important qualifier in the ammendment: “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. Visitors, ambassadors and staff are not automatically given citizenship. Legal immigrants do, but illegal immigrants should not be granted that right.

  2. It never fails to amaze me how libtard media always takes the bait laid out br Trump, who is the ultimate troll.
    They react to something sensational, and then when he actually does something perfectly sensible, they look like fools.

  3. “Additionally, removing the alien parents from the country is impossible without separating them from their American children.”

    BS… The children can go with them.

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