Your Entire Agency is a Joke: FBI Drags Itself in the Mud After Releasing Secret January 6th Footage

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently released previously unseen footage of a suspect placing a pipe bomb at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters.

The federal agency also offered a $500,000 reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest and prosecution. The Bureau also published the suspect’s description to help the public identify him.

“As part of a renewed call for tips from the public, the FBI posted on its Seeking Information webpage previously unreleased video of the suspect placing one of the bombs near the DNC and announced that it estimates the suspect to be approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall,” the bureau writes. “A reward of up to $500,000 is available for information leading to the individual’s arrest and conviction.”

The gray-hooded Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes-wearing suspect was seen fidgeting before planting the explosive device. Only about 25,000 individuals bought the type of sneakers between August 2018 and January 2021, suggesting that the FBI could have credible leads within four years, which was not the case. 

Shean Davis, the CEO and founder of the Federalist, described the  FBI’s sham disclosure as a joke.

“Your entire agency is a joke,” he said.

The suspect also appeared at the scene between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., suggesting that the suspects’ list would even be smaller, if the FBI was interested in narrowing down.

Nonetheless, Americans were not impressed with the disclosure four years after the incident occurred. 

“Really strange how y’all were able to identify 1500 people who even so much as walked on the Capital grounds on January 6th, but you can’t find the person who planted the pipe bomb?”

Interestingly, 23 FBI agents attended the protests of their own volition but were not prosecuted like other protesters for trespassing. A question remains whether the individual was an FBI agent instructed to perform a false flag operation to shift public opinion against the January 6 protests.

Coincidentally, an interim report by the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on the Judiciary, and Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antirust also found the agency flopped in investigating January 6 threats.

“A serious, and largely overlooked, security failure on January 6 was the delayed discovery of both pipe bombs and the chaotic response of federal law enforcement after their discovery.”

Similarly, the FBI “struggled to secure and maintain a perimeter around both pipe bombs,” allowing pedestrians and vehicles to pass by the pipe bombs despite identifying the breaches, “revealing a complete breakdown in command and control.”

It is up to anyone to guess why these security failures coincided with the FBI withholding the footage and the suspect’s description for four years.

Nonetheless, the FBI is no stranger to making similar contentious disclosures, which even amateur sleuths can see the perceived unwillingness to pursue the suspects. It recently published images of the suspect involved in constructing the gallows at Capitol buildings.

Yet, the agency identified over 1,500 protestors whose primary crime was trespassing on Capitol grounds. However, it failed to identify the two individuals who appeared very professional to be ordinary protesters.

11 thoughts on “Your Entire Agency is a Joke: FBI Drags Itself in the Mud After Releasing Secret January 6th Footage”

  1. The FBI “is” the mud. They will not reveal that they know who that “suspect” is; that they’ve lied about the potential (or non-potential) contents of the small length of capped pipe they retrieved; or a full description (video) of that suspect. The FBI, CIA, and Nancy Pelosi contrived this whole ‘plant’ in case the J6 visitors couldn’t be recorded in crimes despite being aggravated by LEO’s with their tear gas and flash-bombs fired into the crowds. Every follower of social media conservatives is aware of this information.
    Why else would all evidence including interviews, testimony, and deposed statements, along with all video, be destroyed by the J6 Committee?
    This is the largest criminal conspiracy ever presented. This psycho-social hatred by a political party against all opposition is mind-numbing. A mass mob-rule of insatiable bigotry against non-democrats.


  2. “And Yeshua turned to them, and he said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.”

  3. How many ways does the $500,000 need to be split up among all the Federal Bureaucrats of Impersonation who know which of their guys got the pipe bomb assignment? Enough to give them all a $25 gift card for some burnt coffee at Starbucks?

  4. Four years … the Deep State has had plenty of time to cover their tracks, delete emails, bleach-bit videos, burn paper, and wipe phones.

  5. Michael Ritarose

    The F.B.I. is working for Biden and the Dems. They will take care and look after themselves before anyone else . This is a corrupt Government organizations.
    Close it down and put them all in jail, along with D.O.J.

  6. mazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Throw the top 20% of the fetid Fuhrer biden’s Gestapo in jail for treason. If you know anyone working in the DOJ be sure to tell them they are a scum-bucket traitor!

    1. Scouring every tropical golf course, four hours, every Tuesday morning. He’s gotta be there somewhere.

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