A Trump Rebellion? “I Do Have My Own Mind” –  Senator-Elect John Curtis Vows Not To Be Trump’s “Rubber Stamp”

Republican Senator-elect John Curtis (R-UT) has vowed to uphold the legacy of his predecessor, outgoing Sen. Mitt Romney, by not being part of the MAGA agenda.

Sen.-elect Curtis did not support Trump during the presidential primaries and beat his preferred candidate, Trent Staggs, during the Utah Senate primaries. He ran on a platform of “unity” and virtue, adding that “oneness is not sameness” and “compromise is not capitulation.”

While serving as the U.S. representative for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, he called for Trump’s censure after the Jan 6 protests. Outgoing Sen. Romney also voted to convict Trump after the January 6 protests after his infamous speech, “The president is guilty.”

However, Curtis did vote against Trump’s impeachments on December 18, 2019, and January 13, 2021.

Appearing on ABC News’ This Week, Sen.-elect Curtis said he was willing to withhold support from Trump when their opinions clashed. However, he promised to support Trump when dealing with tough issues such as the economy and international peace and security.

“I support President Trump when he’s dealing with some of these really tough issues that we have, the economy and the conflicts overseas. But I do have my own mind, and I’m not a rubber stamp,” Curtis said.

Curtis also believes that his openness to criticize Trump would ultimately make the incoming president a better leader. “I think me speaking my mind and me being up front makes the president a better president.” 

Curtis attributed his victory over a Trump-endorsed candidate to his authenticity, adding that he would uphold the mandate of the people who elected him. He also praised outgoing Sen. Romney, who was also problematic for Trump, for being “true to who he is.”

“My stamp is the stamp of the state of Utah. And I represent those people. And I think people responded to that in the election, and they’re dying for authenticity. And just tell us who you really are, and then be that person. And I think that’s why we did so well,” Curtis said.

Nonetheless, Curtis wishes Trump well and hopes he will be wildly successful in tackling various issues, such as inflation and world peace. “I want him to be wildly successful. I’m going to be wind at his back on things like inflation. I want him to bring peace around the world. I want to deal with the border situation, and I’m really there for him. I want to be helpful,” Curtis said.

However, he could not rule out frequently disagreeing with the incoming president. He hoped they would still maintain a cordial relationship despite their differences. “And, Mr. President, from time to time, I’m going to disagree with you. And it will be respectful. And I think when I disagree with you, it will be helpful. And I hope you’ll listen to me,” he added.

Sen.-elect Curtis also took a moment to brag by claiming he received more votes than Trump and defeated his preferred candidate by double digits.

However, with Democrats traditionally voting along party lines, Curtis’ approach, while understandable, might not yield any substantial results in improving the lives of Utans. 

Instead, it only serves to inconvenience Trump in achieving his America First agenda. It also suggests that the Senator-elect might still be holding on to some campaign grudges.

16 thoughts on “A Trump Rebellion? “I Do Have My Own Mind” –  Senator-Elect John Curtis Vows Not To Be Trump’s “Rubber Stamp””

  1. Another RINO coming of age. They spread like moles and undermine the ground we stand on.
    Hopefully they can be primaried to have the swamp drained for at more democratic, prosperous, safe and lawful country.
    The woke reign is over and with it the RINO’s.

  2. Hyrum Curtis,
    What does the hate-America left present to you that’s worthy of “compromise”? Pull your head out of your Lamanite ass.

  3. He ran on a platform of “unity” and virtue, adding that “oneness is not sameness” and “compromise is not capitulation.”

    Unity: when Dems won a narrow victory for control of Congress and White House, they literally told Republicans to “sit down and shut up, we have a mandate!” When Republicans won a massive victory for Control of Congress, Dems said, “the people expect us to work together, you must share power.”

    oneness is not sameness: unless you’re a Democrat, say, like Tulsi or Manchen, where if you don’t toe the party line you are out.

    compromise is not capitulation: Obamacare, nuff said.

    Mr. Curtis, you are a fool and worse, a sheep who will be shorn by the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy. You are a bleating sheep crying out for attention with the sophomoronic [sarcasm intended] moderate rally-cry who will be used by the left. The appellation “useful idiot” actually means something. There is no common ground with The Liberals. There is no point at which we can agree to disagree. These are people who would execute a child at birth simply because the mother did not want to be bothered with birth control. These are people who would defund the police but call them when they are robbed. These are people who would decriminalize theft and drug dealing. These are people who would mutilate children in service of political ideology. Mr. Curtis, do the world a favor and resign now.

  4. Why don’t people wait to see what DJT does after being in office instead of judging what they think he will do? I would think everyone would want the same thing.

  5. This Congressman is saying he will not be a Puppet under Trump if I read that right ??
    Nobody is asking him to be a Puppet for anyone just use COMMON SENSE in whatever you discuss about America and American Citizen’s ..
    We all have our own ideas of what we loke and dislike..
    The difference is you and every person has a duty to Represent people not your own interests..
    Each one of you took an Oath of Office and many.have forgotten that Oath..
    Put God back in everything you do as should the rest of Congress..
    Many want to continue going after One man instead of working together for our Country..

  6. Perhaps he needs to look at Mitt for what can happen should he chose not to follow the mandate give by the American people.

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