Man Fined Twice as Much as a Syrian Refugee Who Raped an Underage Girl for Criticizing Judge’s Decision

A German judge slapped a €5,000 ($5,262) fine on a man who criticized him for handing a light sentence on a 30-year-old Syrian refugee found guilty of raping a 15-year-old girl. 

The man had written an angry email protesting the light sentence the Syrian refugee received, which included a two-year probation and a fine of €3,000 ($3,161). 

In other words, the German man, who described the judge as “obviously mentally disturbed” after the light sentence, was slapped with almost double the amount the Syrian rapist had to pay.

While the judge justified the German man’s punitive fine by claiming he was “derogatory,” Germans who criticize public officials are almost always accused of Right-wing extremism and raided by police.

Luckily, the German man’s fine was later slashed to a third after he appealed, and the judge’s action went viral, drawing widespread criticism. But had it not been for the virality of the story, there’s no reason to believe the fine would’ve been reduced – and it’s still absurd there’s one at all.

The judge said the Syrian rapist’s light sentence was based on his “positive development” since he committed the crime, whatever that means. During the trial, the judge also commended him, saying, “You are well on your way to becoming a completely normal citizen here.” This is even more puzzling in light of this revelation that the judge apparently draws the line at mean emails.

Additionally, the gravity of the crime was downplayed because the rape occurred at the girl’s “lower end.” As a consolation, she will receive part of the fine as compensation, but it’s an irrelevant amount of money.

Meanwhile, violent sexual crimes by Syrian refugees are rampant in Germany. In a similar case, prosecutors in Baesweiler, North Rhine-Westphalia, concealed the assault and rape of a 16-year-old by a Syrian citizen, who, in less than 24 hours, attacked and attempted to rape a 43-year-old woman.

Back in June, a German woman was given a harsher sentence than one of the nine rapists who attacked her for “defaming” him by calling him a “disgraceful rapist pig.” She was sentenced to a weekend in jail for her comments, while her rapist was given a suspended sentence, serving no jail time.

Back here in the United States, details have emerged of how a refugee with an extensive criminal history, including sexual assault, was released from jail on reduced charges, only to attempt abduction and rape.

Denis Humberto Naverrette Romero, 31, a Honduran national illegally in the country, has a history of sexual assault dating back as far as 2022. Romero’s rap sheet includes other crimes such as weapons and auto theft, indecent exposure, sexual assault, and now abduction and rape after being released from prison.

Having been in and out of prison, police reports show that Romero was brazen in his attacks. The victim said that Romero grabbed her, threw her to the ground, and proceeded to attempt to rape her. Police also believe there might be more victims.

“What is disturbing is the number of times this individual has been arrested and released. He has continued to re-offend and his behavior has escalated to a rape in a very public area in our town last night,” said Herndon Police Department Chief Maggie DeBoard DeBoard. 

Back in Germany, a once safe European country before the migrant crisis, violent sexual crimes by foreigners exceeded those committed by nationals.

Foreigners, who make up just 15% of the total German population, were responsible for 59% of violent sexual assault crimes in German trains and train stations. Foreigners also committed 46% of all violent crimes, including robbery and assaults in the same places.

Nonetheless, Germany’s experience is no different from other EU member countries or the United States since they opened their borders to illegal immigrants.

4 thoughts on “Man Fined Twice as Much as a Syrian Refugee Who Raped an Underage Girl for Criticizing Judge’s Decision”

  1. Funny?….I noticed lately zat zee lights are on in zee night at Mein Fuhrer’s Dachau Kamp? How can zis be? Was ist los? Keine Scheisse!

  2. The Nazis who couldn’t get along with the Bolsheviks have become Bolsheviks. There. I said it. Now pay me a visit and enjoy the warm hospitality of my Walther, Heckler & Koch, and Sig Sauer greeting.

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