Nevada Investigates Incidents of Double Voting Amid Skyrocketing Election Integrity Violation Reports

Nevada is investigating cases of double voting after receiving a record number of election integrity violation complaints. President Trump flipped the battleground state to win the popular vote by 50.6%, thus bagging the six electoral college votes.

Trump had urged his supporters to come out and vote in large numbers to make the election “too big to rig” by ensuring “we win by more than the Margin of Fraud.”

“Since the 2020 election, the Secretary of State’s (SOS) Office has received a major increase in questions about election fraud, election integrity, and investigations into elections. The number of Election Integrity Violation Reports (EIVR) we have received has grown exponentially,” the report stated.

SOS received 762 Election Integrity Violation Reports related to the 2024 primary and general elections. While 515 have been closed without evidence of irregularities, 243 remain open, and four violated the electoral regulations.

Of the open cases, 182 relate to double-voting, of which two have been closed without any civil notice or evidence of violation. While voting twice is a crime in Nevada, the state must prove that intention to rule out a mistake and issue a civil notice or proceed with prosecution. 

Despite receiving a record number of complaints, Nevada’s Democratic Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar says the election was more secure than ever. 

He further explained that the state invested heavily in cybersecurity and investigative teams to protect elections and swiftly address emerging issues.

He lauded the new Voter Registration and Election Management System (VREMS), which centralizes election data from all counties. The system allows state election officials to detect double voting and other election-related irregularities and immediately raise the issues with the affected counties.

“VREMS creates a centralized voter registration database across Nevada’s counties, making it easier for the Secretary of State’s Office to communicate with individual counties and address issues or questions that come up proactively, as opposed to retroactively after the election is over.” 

Subsequently, the secretary of state’s report seemingly attempts to give the election a clean bill of health despite the record number of complaints, open cases, and those forwarded for prosecution. 

“… we’ve taken significant steps to ensure that Nevada’s elections are some of the safest in the country…,” Aguilar said. “The 2024 election cycle was more secure than ever, and voters should be confident in the electoral process and their vote.”

However, election watchdog groups, including the Pigpen Project, criticized the Secretary of State’s report, terming it as a failed public relations attempt.

“The report outlines investigations into double voting and election integrity violations, but it’s hard not to feel like it’s more about spinning PR than solving real problems,” Nevada’s Citizen Outreach Foundation president, Chuck Muth, wrote on the PigPen Project.

According to Muth, the reported cases are just the tip of the iceberg, suggesting that more electoral irregularities were potentially undetected.

Muth also criticized the speed at which the state election officials dismissed the detected potential election violations.  

“The numbers beg the question: if these investigations yield so few actionable results, is the process flawed, or is the Secretary of State’s Office just not taking them seriously enough?”

He also noted that the report does not specify how often the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) system detects violations regarding voters who cast their ballots across multiple states.

“But the report doesn’t specify how often these checks catch issues—or how thoroughly Nevada follows up.”

5 thoughts on “Nevada Investigates Incidents of Double Voting Amid Skyrocketing Election Integrity Violation Reports”

  1. Things Nevada’s Democratic Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar DID NOT SAY.
    – He did not explain why election fraud cases have risen exponentially.
    – He provided no information on the investigation process leaving us in the dark as to how narrow or broadly focused are these investigations.
    – He gave no evidence to support his contention that Nevada elections “are more secure than ever”. Further, given the record number of open cases, it is both premature and irresponsible to make such a statement.
    – For a voter to be charged with a crime, requires the state to prove INTENT to defraud–a very high bar. He did not address what happens if duplicate votes were nonetheless cast. What, if anything, happens to the vote count?
    – He gave no statistics or details on the 515 cases they closed.
    – The voter submitting duplicate ballots under their name is only one of numerous ways fraud can be committed. He said nothing about investigating or charging others for fraudulently submitting or counting ballots submitted.
    – Elections have many procedures for detecting election fraud. He said nothing about investigating or charging those who should have detected these duplicate ballots, but did not.

    Given the statements the SoS did make creates the distinct impression that these investigations are themselves fraudulent. That the end result is baked in and they are working toward that end regardless of the facts and evidence.

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