Put Your Fat*** in Prison: Trump’s Potential AG Mike Davis Warns NY AG Letitia James Over Trump Lawsuits

Trump’s potential AG pick Mike Davis has warned New York Attorney General Letitia James against continuing lawsuits against the President-Elect. Davis has been mentioned for the AG job or another legal post during Trump’s second term in office.


“I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump,” Davis said. “Listen here, sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time and we will put your fatass in prison for conspiracy against rights.”

Shortly after Trump’s victory, the New York prosecutor issued a statement saying the results were unexpected but her office was prepared to continue the “legal fight.”

However, Davis advised the New York AG to take a break and “reflect on how she violated the law by weaponizing the justice system against her political enemies.” 

Appearing on Newsmax, Davis also said that the NY AG was up for disappointment as even Democrat judges cannot sustain the previous rulings of her Trump lawsuits.

The Article III Project founder and president also suggested that James could be committing a felony by engaging “in a very serious federal civil rights felony called ‘conspiracy against rights.’”

Davis also forewarned James that the Trump administration would not tolerate the weaponization of law enforcement to settle political scores. 

“This isn’t a game any of these Democrat prosecutors want to play with the incoming Trump administration.”

Besides “Big Tish,” Davis has promised to metaphorically drag “Democrats’ political bodies through US streets, burn them, and throw them off the wall.” 

New York Attorney General with a history of witchhunt.

Calling Trump a “con man” and ″carnival barker,” James has sworn to shine a “bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings.” 

Since taking office in 2019, she has initiated numerous lawsuits against Trump, including one that resulted in a $2 million fine. Another civil lawsuit resulted in Trump’s business permits being revoked, but Trump has appealed the decision.

The gun control advocate has also gone after other targets including the National Rifles Association (NRA). A New York judge sided with James and ordered NRA leaders, Wayne LaPierre and Wilson Phillips, to repay 6.4 million dollars.

However, President-Elect Trump has consistently fought back against the New York Attorney General by describing her lawsuits as a “politically motivated witch hunt,” which the New York AG uses to prop her political career.

Although Trump’s election will end some lawsuits, it will unlikely stop James from dragging his businesses to court in frivolous lawsuits. 

However, Trump’s return to the White House will deny the New York Attorney General and other Democratic prosecutors the political cover they had under Biden to weaponize the justice system against Trump and other Republicans.

6 thoughts on “Put Your Fat*** in Prison: Trump’s Potential AG Mike Davis Warns NY AG Letitia James Over Trump Lawsuits”

  1. I agree with jmstettner. These anti-American pukes need to be destroyed. I’d love to see the lot of them living on the street selling apples for a nickel. Just like the famous picture I saw of a Great Depression era man standind on a NY corner with a basket of apples and a sign that said “Apples 5¢”, and that goes for the filth in Washington DC as well.

  2. It makes me ill just to look at that lying sow! She doesn’t like the possibility of what she has done to others being done to her! Tough, it’s pay back time!
    Yes through her far ass in prison!

  3. If LJ wants to score politcal hits she can start with HRC, Bill, Schumer, Adams…oh, this list could be much longer…
    But she won’t.

  4. How did the NYC. lunatics re elect her?The thing The people here in western New York fear is James, Hochul ,Schumer and Gillibrand.

  5. This is ridiculous. We voted for Trump BOTH times to put an end to these people. All of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law on every possible charge. Let juries decide their guilt and punishment. We The People deserve to be allowed to retake our rights, our laws, our courts and our Justice system. Do not play nice guy. Do not reach across the aisle. Give them what they have been giving us for eight years. Schiff should be in jail for tampering with evidence and lying before Congress. Hillary should be in jail for treason. Joe and Jill and Hunter should be in jail for their crimes. James, Bragg, Willis, Smith, Engoran, and others should be in jail for false prosecution, denial of rights, malfeasance, and anything else that can be tossed on the pile. If we do not purge these people now, if we do not make examples, if we do not give these people the Fear of God, they will just continue to do these things.

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