Sources: Federal Prosecutors in Trump Witchhunts Fleeing in Droves, Afraid of Bankruptcy and Defending Themselves in Court

Federal prosecutors in Biden’s weaponized Justice System involved in Trump’s political persecution are fleeing in droves ahead of the President-elect’s inauguration, the Wall Street Journal reports. They include those involved in the prosecution of January 6 protesters and Trump’s federal prosecutions. Trump has mulled over going against people who participated in the Biden administration’s many witchhunts.

“The precedent on doing what they did, with the weaponization, using the DOJ and the FBI to go after their political opponents, that is so bad,” Trump said earlier in the year, adding that the “Pandora’s Box is open, and that means that I can do it too.”

Some attorneys involved in Trump cases have consulted various law firms, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and senior officials, and even retained lawyers anticipating defending themselves in court when Trump takes office.

“Some department lawyers on the fence about leaving have sought counsel from Attorney General Merrick Garland and other senior officials, who have encouraged them to stay on for continuity of government and for their expertise, people familiar with the discussions said,” the Journal reported.

Others, including those working closely with Special Counsel Jack Smith, are reportedly busy applying for new jobs, anticipating that the incoming president will immediately fire them. Trump had promised to fire Smith within seconds after taking office. 

“Law firms say they have seen an unprecedented flood of résumés from department lawyers looking for the exits,” the Journal reported.

“Additionally, several prominent white-collar lawyers across Washington have fielded calls in recent weeks from government officials, including investigators from Smith’s office, who are concerned they could be targeted by the incoming Trump administration,” CNN reported.

Trump’s chief legal defender Mike Davis chimed in “If these Justice Department attorneys have done nothing wrong, why are they so nervous?”

Like the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post noted an uptick in federal employees looking for jobs outside the civil service; “D.C. recruiting firms are seeing booming business from those looking for private-sector work.”

“There’s been such a disdain for civil servants that is not typical that everyone sort of knows why they want to leave government,” said Sarah Van Steenburg, a recruiter answering Justice Department lawyers’ calls.

However, Smith and some team members plan to resign before Trump’s inauguration to spare themselves the embarrassment. The Special Counsel hoped to conclude Trump’s January 6 and classified documents’ cases and close the file before leaving office.

The Journal notes that while presidential transitions always result in career shifts for political appointees, Trump’s return is especially affecting “career people.” This phenomenon can be attributed to the Biden administration’s politicization of federal employees to advance his party’s political agenda. 

Federal employees are expected to distinguish themselves from political appointees by remaining neutral to government policy. However, Biden blurred the lines, putting federal employees at risk of losing their jobs. Trump has promised to redesignate about 50,000 federal employees into political appointees to make the distinction clearer – and so he can fire them.  

Some, including Smith and some of his team members, also fear going bankrupt, defending themselves from potential investigation and prosecution by Trump’s Department of Justice. “Some federal investigators, including more junior staff, have talked to attorneys and legal groups about … how to avoid going bankrupt if the revenge probes come in full force, the sources add,” Rolling Stone reported.

The Washington Post also reported that some federal employees are scrubbing their social media of negative posts about Trump, highlighting their political bias.

“Career civil servants are scrubbing social media, changing job titles and looking for private-sector work over fear that Trump might fire them,” WaPo reported.

“Federal employees are scrubbing their Facebook and X accounts for any negative posts about Trump. Some, including at least one prominent official who testified in Trump’s first impeachment inquiry, are weighing putting in retirement papers, while others maneuver to transfer to seemingly safer agencies.”

According to Rolling Stone, Smith and his team of prosecutors are reportedly among numerous federal employees scrubbing their private and professional communications for any content that could be subpoenaed in the case of a potential investigation.

A guilty conscience needs no accuser, and Biden’s civil service, especially part of the Justice Department, is living up to this expectation.

15 thoughts on “Sources: Federal Prosecutors in Trump Witchhunts Fleeing in Droves, Afraid of Bankruptcy and Defending Themselves in Court”

  1. Scrub away, trying to destroy evidence, but have no fear, the internet is forever and I assure you people have taken note and saved the evidence you now attempt to destroy.

    Throw the book at them!!! Bring back town square hangings for treason!

  2. What about Prosecutor Brass of N.Y. who went after Trump for 34 charges. He should be put in jail . He is a State Prosecutor charging a Federal crime under state law?

  3. I don’t understand how “fleeing” equates to them not being prosecuted. They should be even if they quit their jobs.

  4. Isn’t there an old quote that goes “Like rats off a sinking ship?” These people are highly educated professionals and should not be allowed to get away with the “I was just following orders” defense. They ruined lives and need to be held accountable. They didn’t have any problem putting non-violent folks in jail while illegal immigrant murderers, rapists, etc were facilitated entry, public services, and essentially free reign. No sympathy, no empathy, no use for any of them. Force them into the cold light of day and flush them out of the government. Most will have a hard time in the private sector where their “We’re from the govenment and we’re here to help” bullying attitudes (training) won’t work.

  5. One of the down sides of staying in government is that you can be compelled to give a written statement as to your knowledge and role in events. Sure you can take the Fifth, but if you are given immunity from criminal prosecution then you must cooperate or face disciplinary action. Same goes if you lie.

    Now if you violated the policies in terms of opening up criminal investigation and falsified documentation as to obtaining process or warrants to obtain documents, you have criminal and civil exposure. Using your office and authorities to deprive someone of their rights can be a criminal violation or a civil tort. Yeah, some of these political hacks should be sweating, and they deserve to be. They thought they could concoct a raft of successful criminal cases that would deprive President Trump of a political future, bankrupt him, and incarcerate him.

    The table has turned, but there is actual cause to investigate the procecutors.

  6. They ought to be fleeing the country, not just looking for new jobs.
    I hope they are hunted down and brought to justice for their treasonous crimes.
    At least fine them into bankruptcy and take away all their ill-begotten riches.

  7. Won’t do them any good. They can be prosecuted anyway as thugs. They are corrupt & crooked democrats using FALSE charges to jail innocent people who were using their 1st A Rights ,protesting a rigged election.

  8. There is a huge difference between abusing your authority to use the tools and trappings of your office for the purpose of targeting political opponents vs. reviewing evidence of various conspiracy allegations and violations to discover who should be charged with criminal behavior resulting from such targeting.
    In the latter case, the LAW determines outcomes.
    In the former case, the office holder determines outcomes.

  9. If you want to protect yourself from going bankrupt, like you did to many of Trumps supporters, I’d suggest you turn whistleblower against your co-conspirators and bring the paper trail and evidence with you.

  10. Federal Prosecutors who went after Trump were the classic definition of “Useful Idiots.”

    An educated and evidenced guess would be that these folk were prompted and ‘promised’ good things.
    Their futures would be made if they ‘toed’ the Leftist Company line and kneecapped Liberal Enemy #1.

    It is a well know aphorism that, “if you’re going to kill the King you best not miss.”

    1. And the leftists missed by a wide margin. Ah, to decorate all the many lampposts in DC and the surrounding suburbs. That would be a pretty sight and a lesson for the miscreants who would dare to try that crap again.

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