With McConnell Stepping Down, These are the Favorites for Senate Majority Leader

Back in February, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that he would step aside from his leadership position in the Senate after the November election.

The announcement came after McConnell, 82, had several incidents of “freezing” while speaking to reporters, which prompted speculation as to his health and fitness for duty as one of the most powerful members of Congress.

The election since has come and gone, with Republicans gaining a sizable majority in the Senate.

With Donald Trump re-elected as President and with a likely majority in the House of Representatives, the question of who will become Senate Majority Leader is more important than ever.

The mainstream media is reporting several familiar names as possible replacements.

South Dakota Senator John Thune, 63, drew the ire of many conservatives recently when he went on MSNBC to say that President Donald Trump should stay silent on the Senate Leader decision.

Conservatives on X don’t seem to thrilled at the possibility of Thune serving as Senate Majority Leader.

Another establishment Republican name thrown around is 72 year old Texas Senator John Cornyn. As with Thune, conservatives are none too happy.

The third name in the mix is Florida Senator Rick Scott. The 71 year old former Florida governor has been a solid conservative throughout his time in office and by all accounts would make an excellent Senate Majority Leader.

Those are the frontrunners right now. Conservative X, however, has some different ideas on who would make a good Senate Leader.

4 thoughts on “With McConnell Stepping Down, These are the Favorites for Senate Majority Leader”

    1. Why would we want a RINO as Senate Leader after we elected Donald J Trump to the White House. Didn’t we learn from Trump’s first term be putting a RINO as Speaker Of The House (Paul Ryan) To lose the House Majority in just 2 years doing his own thing, rather than actually supporting our President. Mitch did the same thing in the Senate. NO MORE RINOS!!!
      I choose Rand Paul for Senate Majority.

    2. Absolutely right, these are by far the worst two picks. And, if the current republicans are like the previous republicans you can be assured they’ll pick one of the worst two just like they continued to vote for McConnell.

    3. Agree. Any of the losers who followed McConnell around and posed behind him for his appearances, should be automatically disqualified. We don’t need yes men in leadership. Instead I want one of the guys who McConnell refused to give a dime to when they last ran for election. Let’s start with the list of people who McConnell refuses to donate money to.

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