Wyoming, Michigan Schools Vow To Shield Illegal Migrants — Superintendent Says District Will Keep Information From ICE

Officials at Wyoming Public Schools want to assure parents they’re “maintaining a secure environment” for illegal immigrants amid the largest deportation operation in U.S. history. In a “family communication” sent to parents in both English and Spanish on Wednesday, WPS Superintendent Craig Hoekstra weighed in on “the immense responsibility of caring for, protecting, and supporting your children to the best of our ability while they are in our care.”

“As educators, it is our duty to make certain that all children, regardless of citizenship, immigration status, race, or national origin, have equal access to a free public education, as guaranteed by the United States Supreme Court in Plyler v. Doe and reinforced by Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA),” Hoekstra wrote. “This commitment to equity and inclusion is not just a legal obligation but a reflection of our core values as a district.”

“Recent concerns … have raised questions about the potential for immigration enforcement in or near schools, and whether such actions might disrupt students’ access to education,” the letter read. “Current guidance from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identifies schools as ‘protected areas,’ emphasizing that immigration enforcement actions should not occur in or near schools except under extraordinary circumstances.” The superintendent assured parents the district will shield information from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to preserve “the rich diversity of our student body.”

The letter offered concerned parents contact information for several organizations that regularly work with illegal immigrants, including the Hispanic Center of West Michigan, Michigan Immigration Rights Center, Refugee Education Center, and Kent County Welcome Plan. The Migration Policy Institute estimates there are roughly 733,000 school aged children in the U.S. illegally, and about 651,000 or 89% are enrolled in school.

Read the Full Story at The Midwesterner

22 thoughts on “Wyoming, Michigan Schools Vow To Shield Illegal Migrants — Superintendent Says District Will Keep Information From ICE”

  1. I work in the notification section of Ancestry Genealogy.We require that you reply to this email.

    David Wang.

  2. So these “educated” political actors don’t require the kids to register for school, and have appropriate vaccinations to attend? Seems to me thy name is hypocrite. They have rules for enrollment and knowing who is in their school, but wont respect their own countries rules when it comes to entering it.

  3. Besides not getting any Federal Funds maybe the Superintendant should be told that they would face Federal charges for aiding and abetting criminals. Maybe the threat of jail time would help change his or her minds.

  4. The arrogance of those bloody fools. Some might say that they will pay the price for flouting the efforts of ICE to round up people who broke the law to enter our country illegally. Read them their rights, handcuff them, fingerprint them, photograph them, issue them orange jumpsuits and throw them in cells.

  5. Maybe the headline should be “Wyoming, Michigan Public Schools District Vow To Shield Illegal Migrants — Superintendent Says District Will Keep Information From ICE”?

  6. Well of course, they need the slave labor. You cannot run a ranch or packing plant anymore without illegals. Simply pay the wage necessary to hire US workers and they will come.

  7. Frankly Speaking

    I can only hope that a school superintendent, mayor, or governor are arrested for harboring/protecting illegal aliens. It will only take a couple for word to get around that “no one is above the law.”

  8. Homan has promised that anyone shielding illegals will be charged for obstruction.

    If I was ICE, I would be heading to Wyoming ASAP.

  9. WHY… do I as a USA taxpayer want to pay for the public education of uninvited foreign invaders? Many who do not speak English. So interpreters are needed. An additional cost.
    That is in addition to health care, lodging, “welfare” and all of the rest of our benefits.
    Michigan. Your state has enough problems. WHY include illegals on your benefit list.
    BTW, what do your veterans receive?

    1. Lol. They should just call illegal aliens, “tourists”….it’s what they are. They came here to see the sights and, oops, forgot to go home again. From now on, all “tourists” who come to the US receive a 1 month tourist visa that has a GPS tracker in it that they have to renew each month. If they “forget” to leave, they’re banned from the US for life. Then make a law that says it’s illegal to hire “tourists” to work in the US and any company found to be breaking the law will be fined $10,000 per person. This way, tourists can come here to spend money, but they have to go home to make money. And since it’s already illegal for “tourists” to have children in the US who will automatically become US Citizens, the argument is no longer about whether someone is illegal or not, it’s a moot point, i.e. if both your parent’s aren’t US Citizens, children can’t be a citizen and there’s no reason for you to be here for longer than a month without government permission.

  10. I am a little shocked that it’s coming from Wyoming of all places. But, considering that it’s coming from the “education establishment” I shouldn’t be as it’s been corrupted for decades and a source for our destruction.

    1. This isn’t coming from the State of Wyo, but rather Wyoming Michigan. With the exception of Jackson, we are far to RED for this to happen here

    2. Wyoming, Michigan, not Wyoming the state. I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed by Bongino. But with everything happening at breakneck speed this week, there is no double check on headlines like this one.

      1. You’re absolutely right – it’s been a crazy week here! We just fixed the headline, our apologies for the confusion. Thanks for keeping us on our toes.

        — The WokeSpy Team

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